
An urban apartment somewhere


是所SHISUO在2023年接受业主委托,为其打造这样一处繁华都市中的住所。 对空间品质极高的追求并不通过堆砌的元素,而有赖于精准的比例、形式、几何与光线。日常生活所需功能的必需品需要被巧妙地隐藏起来。通过大量的收纳空间确保空间整洁的同时,是所SHISUO赋予了它当代的审美与宁静平和之感。减少肤浅的堆砌,回归事实的本质。在化繁为简的过程中,为居住环境注入丰饶的隽永与优越的品质,并以这样的氛围去激发客户对于生命的洞见。除餐椅选用Arne Jacobsen于1955年设计的七号椅外,所有的灯具、家具、配饰,甚至把手、五金均出自是所SHISUO之手。


In today's world, people are busy pursuing fleeting and easily accessible forms of entertainment. Everything we experience seems to embody characteristics of ephemerality—quick to gain popularity, yet just as quickly outdated, and we have become accustomed to it. Beyond the mundane complexities of life, each person yearns for a home that is simple and enduring, awakening a deep sense of elevated emotion and providing solace from weariness.

In 2023, SHISUO was entrusted by the owner to create such a residence in a bustling urban setting. The pursuit of high spatial quality relies not on an accumulation of elements, but rather on precise proportions, forms, geometry, and light. Essential functions for daily living must be cleverly concealed. By ensuring tidy spaces through ample storage, SHISUO has imbued the apartment with contemporary aesthetics and a sense of tranquility. There is a focus on reducing superficial excess and returning to the essence of reality. In the process of simplifying, the living environment is infused with richness and superior quality, inspiring the client’s insights into life. Aside from the dining chairs, which feature Arne Jacobsen's iconic Seven Chair designed in 1955, all lighting, furniture, accessories, and even handles and hardware are customed by SHISUO.

"When the space becomes eternal, the divine resides within it."